#PeCasAdventures 1 : the journey beginsPeter & Caro5. Dez. 20181 Min. LesezeitAktualisiert: 28. Jan. 2019After months of planning and waiting, we finally made it to our first destination: Mauritius! -Nach monatelanger Planung und langem Warten haben wir es endlich an unser erstes Ziel geschafft: Mauritius!View from the rooftopMaking it to the airport on time
After months of planning and waiting, we finally made it to our first destination: Mauritius! -Nach monatelanger Planung und langem Warten haben wir es endlich an unser erstes Ziel geschafft: Mauritius!View from the rooftopMaking it to the airport on time
Just what I expected... ;)
haha, I LOVE that pic from the car! Have fun guys!