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AutorenbildPeter & Caro

#PeCasAdventures 56: 'Eua & Pangaimotu

'Eua was just perfect: a small island with friendly locals and an abundance of nature, animals, jungle, cliffs, sea and land. We stayed way longer than needed but loved every minute. The highlight was of course the swim with humpback whales. Being in the water close up with these gentle giants was breathtaking - quite literally!


'Eua ist unser perfektes Paradies: eine kleine Insel mit freundlichen Einheimischen und einer unglaublichen Vielfalt an Natur, Tieren, Dschungel, Klippen, Meer und Land. Wir blieben viel länger als nötig und haben jede Sekunde genossen. Das absolute Highlight war mit den Buckelwalen zu schwimmen. Diesen friedlichen Riesen so nah zu kommen war atemberaubend - wortwörtlich!

Humpback whale posing for the camera
Humpback whale posing for the camera

Swimming with whales
Swimming with whales

Beautiful beach on 'Eua
Beautiful beach on 'Eua

Crushing waves
Crushing waves


The Cliffs
The Cliffs

Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis

What a view!
What a view!

Smoking Cave
Smoking Cave

The old Ovava Tree
The old Ovava Tree

Barn owl seeking prey
Barn owl seeking prey

The Caves
The Caves

Coconut Crab, juvenile
Coconut Crab, juvenile

The climb
The climb

Parade of the tropicbirds
Parade of the tropicbirds

The whales say goodbye!
The whales say goodbye!

Walking on Pangaimotu
Walking on Pangaimotu

A star on the beach
A star on the beach

Look back to Pangaimoto
Look back to Pangaimoto

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