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  • AutorenbildPeter & Caro

#PeCasAdventures 52: Tanna

I am glad we survived the flight to a remote airport, the 2-hours off-road driving and the guesthouse without water - because otherwise, we would have missed this jewel! Tanna put us to the test with its lack of facilities but the lava-spitting volcano Yasur and the cultural immersions were way worth it!


Ich bin froh, dass wir den Flug zu einem winzigen Flughafen, die 2-stündige Ruckelfahrt und das Gästehaus ohne Wasser überlebt haben - denn sonst hätten wir diesen Juwel verpasst! Tanna hat uns einiges abverlangt, aber der Lava-spuckende Vulkan Yasur und die aussergewöhnliche Kultur hat das schnell vergessen lassen!

Mount Yasur
Mount Yasur

the baggage claim
the baggage claim

the bus
the bus

the shelter
the shelter

Mount Yasur
Mount Yasur

Mount Yasur
Mount Yasur

Mount Yasur
Mount Yasur

Port Resolution
Port Resolution

Port Resolution
Port Resolution


Shark bay
Shark bay

Pacific trash vortex
Pacific trash vortex

Mount Yasur
Mount Yasur


John Frum Cult
John Frum Cult

Yakel village
Yakel village

Yakel village
Yakel village

Yakel village
Yakel village

Yakel village
Yakel village

Yakel village
Yakel village

Black beach
Black beach

Giant banyan tree
Giant banyan tree


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