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AutorenbildPeter & Caro

#PeCasAdventures 27: Museum, museum, museum

Christchurch has so much to offer, it is hard to select. In the Antarctic Center, we stood in -18°C cold wind (being solidary with our friends freezing at home); In Willowbank, we finally saw our first living Kiwis; Quake City showed us the full impact of the earthquakes and the Canterbury Museum hit us with more information than one can take but beautifully presented.


Christchurch hat so viel zu bieten, wir konnten uns kaum entscheiden. Im Antartik Center waren wir im -18°C kalten Wind solidarisch mit unseren Freunden im kalten Belgien; im Willowbank Park haben wir endlich unseren ersten lebenden Kiwi gesehen; Quake City hat uns den ganzen Umfang der Erdbeben veranschaulicht und das Canterbury Museum hat uns mit wunderschön zur Schau gestellten Informationen überhäuft.

International antarctic centre
International antarctic centre

Husky @ International antarctic centre
Husky @ International antarctic centre

Ride @ International antarctic centre
Ride @ International antarctic centre

Snowstorm @ International antarctic centre
Snowstorm @ International antarctic centre

Rescued Penguin Feeding @ International antarctic centre
Rescued Penguin Feeding @ International antarctic centre

Bird Hall @ Canterbury Museum
Bird Hall @ Canterbury Museum

Old village @ Canterbury Museum
Old village @ Canterbury Museum

Quake City
Quake City

Blue duck @ Willowbank reserve
Blue duck @ Willowbank reserve

Kea @ Willowbank reserve
Kea @ Willowbank reserve

Ring tailed lemur @ Willowbank reserve
Ring tailed lemur @ Willowbank reserve

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